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Greenfeet New Lawns

Photo of Greenfeet New Lawns.

Sometimes with the best will in the world, problems posed by a lawn can’t be fixed by just lawn treatments on their own. A good example of this is when a lawn is badly damaged following a home renovation.

At Greenfeet we have the knowledge and experience to know that the key to successful lawns is based on three elements: Good drainage, quality grasses and proper maintenance. We achieve this by starting with a thorough survey of your lawn. This will ensure that you as a customer will save yourself both time and money in the long run.

Good Drainage

When we arrive on site the first thing we will do is assess your lawn’s drainage.

  • We check for damage to the soil’s structure and the soil’s texture.
  • We check how compact the soil is to see is it draining adequately. The results of our survey enables us to decide whether:
  • Drainage pipes will need to be installed.
  • The soil needs to be dug out and replaced.
  • And if so whether to replace it with soil or sand/soil mix.

Quality Grasses for new Lawns

Once a drainage plan is established for the next important decision is whether to use roll out turf or establish the lawn from seed. The main advantage of using roll out turf is that it is quick to establish and can be laid anytime of the year as long as the soil is prepared correctly. A newly laid lawn can be ready for use in a couple of weeks but it will require daily watering until the roots have started to grip onto the soil.

We use only high-grade roll out lawn from registered growers of TPI (Turfgrass Producers International).

  • Platinum fescue turf (100% Fescue)
  • Premium Rye turf (70% Dwarf Ryegrass / 30 % Fescue)

Another option is to establish the lawn from seed. The main advantage of seeding is that it is cheaper than roll out turf. It is, however, slower to establish and is only achievable when good growing conditions are present. It will still need to be watered daily until the seed germinates. It will also require more aftercare during the establishment phase than roll out lawns require. We use only high grade grass seed varieties with STRI (Sports Turf Research Institute) including:

  • Dwarf Ryegrass
  • Creeping red fescue
    -Smooth stalk meadow grass

Either way whatever option is taken you can be reassured that when you need a new lawn you will get a quality new lawn that will last for years once it is properly maintained.

Proper Maintenance for new lawns

The final step when you establishing new lawns successfully is ensuring that you have the proper plan of maintenance.

Experience has shown us at Greenfeet that the most common mistake people make when they need a new lawn and then go to great lengths to get one: they fail to see the need to maintain it.

Your new lawn has to adapt and grow in its new environment. What we have done up to now is to ensure that it has the best start by giving it the most appropriate soil to grow in and that it has the best grass mix for your lawn’s micro climate.

We now need to follow that on with a maintenance plan that is specific to those soils and grasses.

This is why Greenfeet is unique. Once you decide you need a new lawn, Greenfeet can provide the complete installation of new lawns from start to finish and then protect your investment by providing a site specific maintenance plan for your new lawn.

This can be achieved either through availing of our lawn maintenance service or purchasing our fully Do it Yourself maintenance plan.

This can be achieved either through availing of our lawn maintenance service or purchasing our fully Do it Yourself maintenance plan.

So, if you are in need of new lawns contact us now by email or give us a ring using our number 0578646889.

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