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Lawn Care Advice/Tips

Aerate your lawn

Aeration is a cornerstone to having a well-maintained lawn. The process of aerating is essentially spiking the lawn to allow for more air and oxygen to the grass roots.

Fertilise your lawns

We suggest 4 fertilizer treatments each year one for each season, to replace used nutrients in the soil. Grass is a living plane and requires a number of nutrients to survive. Fertiliser provides nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, which we provide in each of our slow realise fertilisers.

Weeds Control

Weeds can be unsightly, and they compete with your grass for space, sunlight, moisture and nutrients. Many weeds will pop up anywhere, if you don’t want your lawn to be covered in weed we encourage to get the weed control treatment in Summer and Autumn time fo year.

Mow your lawn

Mow your lawn frequently and at the right height as not to stress the lawn. Mowing the lawn too tight give weeds and moss the opportunity to invade, you will likely need to mow every 2nd week in Spring season as the grass growth is still slow. As temperatures rise and growth increases you will need to start mowing once a week.


Overseed an existing lawn with grass seed that has bare or dry patches from heavy traffic, spillage, or pet urine. Ensure to keep the area moist to ensure a good seed strike.


A soil test will give you answers about the health of your soil and what you need to get a better lawn. These tests show the pH balance of the soil as well as the nutrient levels in the dirt.

Lawn Renovation

A healthy lawn resists invasion by moss, weeds, and diseases. If your lawn is not meeting your expectations, consider a lawn renovation.

Scarification / Dethatch

Scarifying helps get rid of thatch / dead plant material we use a scarifier to remove this material. We recommend Scarifying in Spring or Autumn time, your lawn will need a chance to recover after scarification.

Bare / Dry Patch

We recommend the overseeding program to rectify the bare / dry patch.

Tidy Up

Make sure and keep lawn clear of debris, keep falling leaves raked up, pick up any twigs branches or any other debris that fall on the lawn removed as these suffocate the lawn and give a chance for disease to invade.

Lawn Watering

Regular watering of the lawn maybe required throughout the Summer or Autumn if a hot dry spell is experienced, therefore gather any rainfall that is falling during the Spring and Winter months in case of water restriction.

Moss Control

Wet / damp weather conditions appears as coarse, loose green or yellow tufts between the grass. It leaves grass with a very uneven colour and surface and can feel very spongy to walk on. Moss can be a result of poor mowing practice, shaded lawn, lawn not fed or soil compacted. To keep moss under control we recommend to get the moss sprayed in the Winter and Spring or if lawn overtaken my moss – carry out scarification to total lawn renovation.


Don’t forget to get your mower serviced once a year, and ensure blades are checked and replaced as blunt blades can damage the grass plant.