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Spring Treatment

After the wet winter months there is a lot of moisture present in the lawn, in some cases too much. In order to get the grass growing as temperature increase coming into the Spring we would recommend getting your Spring treatment and moss control carried out.

Lawn care Tips for Spring

• Greenfeet formulated slow release Spring feed
• Spray moss to keep it under control

People ask Why do I need a Spring Treatment

After the winter months your lawn can look yellow from all the harsh weather conditions. Grass is a living thing and needs to be fed to keep it look healthy.

Our Spring Feed is exclusive to Greenfeet and can’t be bought in the shops. It is designed by us specifically for the Irish climate and season and we have developed and refined it over the years. It’s the special sauce to our Spring lawn care.

Lawn care Tips for Spring

Depending on the condition of your lawn some of the additional treatments / recommendations below may be considered:

• Scarifying – this is a robust treatment where we bring a scarifying machine that will pull dead plant / moss / thatch out of the lawn, refreshing the lawn helping it to absorb water and nutrient easier, stops the lawn from becoming spongy, can be very beneficial.

• Overseeding – Spring or Autumn is the best time of year to get overseeding carried out, we would add grass plant seeds to the existing lawn without turning the turf to help thicken any thin or bare areas of grass. We would always carry out overseeding after scarification.

• Leaves and Debris – Leaves block sunlight, smothering the grass and prevent moisture from evaporating on the lawn

• Aeration – this is where we bring an aerator machine and remove plugs of soil from the lawn, it helps keep moss down, promotes root development and relieves compaction. Improves air exchange allows oxygen and nutrients to the roots structure